From start to finish, the Office of Research, Innovation and Collaboration (ORIC) works closely with faculty, staff, students and administration in The College of Education and Human Ecology to secure funds and provide post-award support for researchers. In addition, we help connect researchers with local school districts and community partners, provide research methods consulting, and support your data analytics needs.
ORIC Initiatives
In addition to proposal development and postaward management support by grant management staff, ORIC has the following centers, programs and incentives to support research endeavors across the college. Contact Matthew Eveland regarding any questions about the following programs or initiatives.
Proposal Development Support Programs
Individual Grant Writing Support – The Associate Dean for Research and the Director of Research provides one-on-one feedback to principal investigators on their potential submissions.
Monthly Grant Writing Group – ORIC has a standing monthly meeting led by the Associate Dean for Research and the Director of Research. The group reads each other’s proposals and provides feedback.
Incentive Research Course Buy Out Program – The purpose of this program is to incentivize tenure‐track and tenured faculty into submitting requests for proposals and still meet the standard full 20% of salary recovery for a one course release per year. ORIC will match up to 10% of the faculty’s salary recovery per year for the life of the grant.
Incentive Research Allocation (IRA) Program – The IRA program provides a monetary incentive to EHE PIs to obtain extramural funding. The incentive allocation is designed to enhance or extend the scope of the Principal Investigator’s research including their ability to continue to pursue additional funding opportunities.
GRA Matching Incentive Program – The purpose of this program is to encourage PIs to include graduate students in their proposals. The cost of a graduate student is shared between the PI’s department and ORIC.
DC Days – This program encourages researchers to become more competitive grant writers by providing an opportunity to visit with federal program officers to determine if the researcher’s basic concept is a good fit with the sponsor’s mission, seek advice concerning project design and appropriate funding track, and to better understand the peer review process. ORIC arranges group visits for two days at federal agencies with individual appointments scattered throughout the visit. ORIC pays for 80% of the trip.
Student Support Programs
Matching Travel Program – ORIC provides matching travel support for graduate students presenting the results of their original research at national and international professional meetings. See more information below.
EHE Research Forum – The yearly EHE Research Forum highlights the research efforts of EHE faculty, postdocs, research scientists and graduate and undergraduate students. Each year, over 100 presentations are shared during the day-long event.
Dean’s Undergraduate Research Initiative – The Dean’s Undergraduate Research Initiative (DURI) offers EHE undergraduate students an opportunity to immerse themselves in an active, ongoing research project under the supervision of an EHE faculty member.
Past Programs
Dean’s Emerging Scholar Program – This program runs most years and requires assistant professors to collaborate with tenured faculty. Faculty can request up to $20,000 for two years. The goal is to collect preliminary data that would support a submission to a federal agency.
2022 Dean’s Big Idea Seed Grant Program – This program required faculty to collaborate with a community partner and across EHE departments. The funding level was $1M with a maximum request of $100,000. These projects started January 1, 2023.
Proposal Development and Submission Incentive Program – This program supports faculty and research staff seeking external funding with full F&A rates, complete a “Red Team” review, and submit their proposal to the sponsor. In addition, participants can meet regularly with other faculty and staff throughout the proposal development process and receive assistance with any phase of proposal development. Participants receive $2,000 for participating in this program.
Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program (GSIRI) – This graduate student led interdisciplinary seed grant program was initiated in 2020. Each year, the GSIRI team is provided $10,000 to run a seed grant program.
Our Core Services
The Office of Research, Innovation and Collaboration (ORIC) has three core support services: Proposal Development and Grant Management, Outreach and Research Engagement, and Institutional Research (IR@EHE). The staff associated with these three cores provide services and resources to support the research needs of the EHE College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) faculty, research staff, postdocs and students.
We help principal investigators effectively navigate the processes for submitting and administering externally-funded projects. Need help finding research funds? We can help with that too. And whether you’re a faculty member looking for help with budgets or a graduate student looking for dissertation year support, we have you covered.
We work closely with Ohio schools and communities to establish partnerships for your upcoming research activities. See where your peers are doing their great work in schools and communities.
Matching Travel Grants for Graduate Students
The College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) Office of Research provides travel support for graduate students presenting the results of their original research at national and international professional meetings. These grants are each awarded on a matching basis and the amount of support varies for the three different types of travel grants – please click on the travel grant information link below for additional details on amounts, how to apply, and the limit to the number of times a person can apply for each type of grant.
All travel grant applications are accepted at any time during the year, however they must be submitted PRIOR to travel. Applicants must submit proof of their conference acceptance with their application.
Applicants will need to provide a letter or email from the matching funding source, e.g., department, advisor (if graduate student) or other funding source (other OSU funding or grant, etc.) PRIOR to submitting an application. The letter must be submitted with the application.
The EHE Graduate Student Travel Grant process has been streamlined into one application process. The new application PowerForm is located here. Please visit the EHE Graduate Student Travel website to find out more about student eligibility, the funding allocation and additional funding opportunities. Contact Amanda Crall.25 with questions.
For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact Matthew Eveland.