Outside Activities and Conflicts (Online)

This two-hour case study based workshop covers the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This workshop is led by ethics experts from Academic Affairs, Medical Center Compliance, and University Compliance and Integrity. CarmenZoom links will be provided to attendees the day before each session. […]

Paying Study Participants: Ethical and Practical Considerations Webinar

Do you compensate participants who take part in your research? The Office of Responsible Research Practices and the College of Optometry are offering an updated workshop on participant recruitment and compensation considerations in both medical and non-medical research. By the end of the session, participants will be able to: Explain regulatory guidance and university policy […]

Overview Accelerator Awards Pre-Proposal Workshop

Information session on the Accelerator Awards program and pre-proposal submission for the upcoming Spring 2023 cycle. The Accelerator Awards program provides funding to faculty and eligible staff for technology development to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge Ohio State innovations from the university into the marketplace, bridging the gap between academic research and market ready technologies. Upcoming Accelerator […]

HHMI Investigator Program Information Session (Virtual)

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is requesting applications from basic researchers and physician scientists for its 2024 Investigator Program. Interested and eligible researchers are encouraged to attend a virtual information session hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Foundation Relations. This info session will cover application requirements for the HHMI […]

Spring 2023 By the Numbers: Race and College Applications Webinar

Our first By the Numbers event, titled “By the Numbers: Race and College Applications,” will feature Dr. Brian Heseung Kim, Senior Data Scientist at the Common Application, Inc., who will provide a brief presentation on his team’s recent report regarding college application race and ethnicity. We ask that participants read or familiarize themselves with the […]

Publishing: Understanding and Negotiating the Terms of Your Agreement (Virtual Workshop)

Join the University Libraries’ Copyright Services for a workshop on strategies and considerations for negotiating terms of your publishing agreement. We will discuss common phrases found in scholarly journal publishing agreements, the implications of those terms for future scholarship and research, and tactics for retaining the rights that are important to you. In this workshop, […]

Role of Industry Experts Workshop

Accelerator Awards pre-proposal workshop to introduce the role of industry experts for Accelerator Awards, who they are, why are they required and suggestions for identifying and engaging them. The Accelerator Awards program provides funding to faculty and eligible staff for technology development to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge Ohio State innovations from the university into the marketplace, […]

Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]

Diversity and STEM: New Data from NCSES Webinar

Join an interactive presentation by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the report, Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities, which will be released on January 30. As an official federal statistical agency, NCSES is the nation's leading provider of data on the […]

Diversity and STEM: New Data from NCSES Webinar

Join an interactive presentation by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the report, Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities, which will be released on January 30. As an official federal statistical agency, NCSES is the nation's leading provider of data on the […]

What does recess look like for children with significant disabilities?: Zoom

If you ask an elementary school child to identify their favorite time of the school day, chances are their answer will be recess. Not only is recess a popular time, but it also creates a natural opportunity to develop social competence and build social connections. However, the experiences of students with significant disabilities at recess […]

Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]