Exempt Human Subject Research (Zoom)

Are you new to human subjects research and want to know more about exempt determinations? The Office of Responsible Research Practices will present a session on human subjects research activities that are exempt from IRB review. At the conclusion of the session, attendees will be able to: Identify the exempt categories used at Ohio State […]

Spring 2023 QMC Workshop: Introduction to the Dependent Samples t-test and Repeated Measures ANOVA (Zoom)

Group Mean Comparison Workshop Series          Two-Part series-Workshops on group mean comparison by the EHE Quantitative Methodology Center (QMC) The QMC is offering a two-part series on common group mean comparison methods in social sciences. These workshops will occur from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm on Wednesday, February 8th and Wednesday, February 22nd. […]

37th Annual Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum

Ohio Union 1739 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio

The Edward F. Hayes Advanced Research Forum (formerly the Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum) showcases the innovative and exemplary research being conducted by Ohio State graduate students and postdoctoral scholars across the full range of graduate degree programs and research topics and facilitates fruitful exchanges between students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, the administration, and the public. This […]

QMC Spring 2023 Speaker Series: Presentation by Paul Wesson (Zoom)

Friday, February 24, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Paul Wesson, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco Dr. Paul Wesson Dr. Paul Wesson is an epidemiologist focused on quantifying the health burdens of (and disparities related to) hard-to-reach and socially marginalized populations, particularly as they relate to infectious diseases. His research expertise includes […]

Faculty Research Mentoring Workshop (Zoom)

The Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) is presenting three mentoring workshops to develop your competency as a mentor over the Academic Year 2022-2023. The training is designed to help faculty who mentor early career researchers, especially junior faculty, to become more effective research and career mentors. The two-session workshop uses a case-based, discussion-oriented […]

Introduction to Data Visualization (Virtual Event)

Join our Data Visualization Specialist, Brian Wisniewski, for a virtual workshop on the basics of Data Visualization. Hosted by the Research Commons, this workshop will break down what data visualization is and why it is important. Examples, tips, tools (Overviewing R, Tableau, Excel), and resources will be shared, with the aim of enabling participants to […]

Race and Racial Equity in Early Childhood Development

Join us for a special March research forum focused on racial equity and early childhood development hosted by the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Dr. Clemens Noelke, research director for the diversitydatakids.org project at the Institute for Child, Youth and Family […]

QualLab Lunch: Co-Learning & Co-writing as Action Research: Community Wellbeing, Engaged Scholarship, and Creating Futures (Zoom)

Featuring Dr. Edward St. John, University of Michigan Co-Learning & Co-writing as Action Research: Community Wellbeing, Engaged Scholarship, and Creating Futures This session focuses on co-learning and co-writing processes as action research. These collaborative processes center the wellbeing of communities, engagement of scholars supporting new generations of social activists, and the renewal and expansion of educational and career […]

QMC Spring 2023 By the Numbers Events: Childhood Poverty & Inflation By the Numbers (Zoom)

Friday, March 3, 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Dr. Kalee Burns, U.S. Census Bureau Title: By the Numbers: Childhood Poverty & Inflation By the Numbers Please join Dr. Kalee Burns, who is an Economist for the U.S. Census, for a discussion of recent findings published by the Census regarding childhood poverty. Please read the following Census […]

Introduction to Causal Inference and Directed Acyclic Graphs (Virtual Event)

This presentation will discuss causal inference and directed acyclic graphs. Participants will learn the difference between description, prediction, and causal inference as three distinct scientific tasks requiring distinct scientific methods.  Additionally, participants will understand the main features of causal directed acyclic graphs and how they can be used to plan and interpret causal analysis and […]

QMC Spring 2023 Speaker Series: Presentation by Stephen Gavazzi (Zoom)

Friday, March 10, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Dr. Stephen Gavazzi, Director, Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR) Title: Data and Samples Available Through CHRR at The Ohio State University: The National Longitudinal Studies, Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive, and the American Population Panel Dr. Stephen Gavazzi Stephen M. Gavazzi, Ph.D. is Director of CHRR at The Ohio […]