Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]

Diversity and STEM: New Data from NCSES Webinar

Join an interactive presentation by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the report, Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities, which will be released on January 30. As an official federal statistical agency, NCSES is the nation's leading provider of data on the […]

Diversity and STEM: New Data from NCSES Webinar

Join an interactive presentation by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the report, Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities, which will be released on January 30. As an official federal statistical agency, NCSES is the nation's leading provider of data on the […]

Virtual 2023 NIH Grants Conference: Funding, Policies, & Processes

NIH invites you to explore the 2023 NIH Grants Conference agenda, offering 2-days of sessions designed to clarify the NIH grants process and policies, as well as provide the latest news and information. Twenty-five sessions offer attendees an array of options on various topics, and the opportunity to engage with presenters through Q&A and chat features. […]

What does recess look like for children with significant disabilities?: Zoom

If you ask an elementary school child to identify their favorite time of the school day, chances are their answer will be recess. Not only is recess a popular time, but it also creates a natural opportunity to develop social competence and build social connections. However, the experiences of students with significant disabilities at recess […]

Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]

QualLab Lunch: Not Weeping, Sharpening my Oyster Knife: Demarginalizing Intellectual Activism

Featuring Dr. Venus Evans-Winters, The Ohio State University In this discussion, Dr. Evans-Winters will discuss the current tensions in education and its effects on the emotionality and mental well-being of faculty who exist at the intersections of race, gender, and power. In particular, public discourse and organized attempts to marginalize racial and gender justice is a threat to educational […]

NSF Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) Webinar

Through this new initiative, the Directorate for STEM Education, formerly the Directorate of Education and Human Resources, and the newly established Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) seek to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds that will increase access to, and interest in, career pathways in emerging technology […]

Spring 2023 QMC Workshop: Introduction to the Independent Samples t-test and ANOVA (Zoom)

Group Mean Comparison Workshop Series          Two-Part series-Workshops on group mean comparison by the EHE Quantitative Methodology Center (QMC) The QMC is offering a two-part series on common group mean comparison methods in social sciences. These workshops will occur from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm on Wednesday, February 8th and Wednesday, February 22nd. […]

NSF Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) Funding Overview Webinar

The U.S. National Science Foundation's Directorate for STEM Education, formerly the Directorate of Education and Human Resources, works to develop a well-informed citizenry and a diverse and capable workforce of scientists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians and educators. EDU's programs fund cutting-edge research and evaluation projects across all STEM disciplines and STEM projects, at all educational levels […]

QMC Spring 2023 By the Numbers Events: Youth Homelessness & Intervention Findings (Zoom)

Friday, February 10, 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Dr. Natasha Slesnick & Dr. Tansel Yilmazer, Ohio State University Title: By the Numbers: Youth Homelessness & Intervention Findings Please join Dr. Natasha Slesnick, Professor of Human Development and Family Science, & Dr. Tanzel Yilmazer, Associate Professor of Consumer Sciences, for a discussion of recent findings regarding youth homelessness. […]

Making People Care: Elevator Speech Development Coaching Workshop (Zoom)

This virtual interactive workshop will guide you through the strategy, steps and storytelling in the development of your ideal elevator speech so that you can bring your research passion to life for any audience. After introduction and guidance from the facilitator, participants will have the opportunity to craft their own elevator speech and workshop it […]