Entrepreneur Mindset for Graduate Students and Postdocs (Virtual Event)

This session will focus on the Entrepreneur mindset with a specific focus on showcasing your academic skill set as applicable among those skills needed in the broader industry landscape.  This event is for Ohio State Grad Students and Postdocs. This event is part of a weekly series from August 31-September 27, 2022. The series will […]

Open Access Monograph Publishing: TOME@Ohio State Authors Panel

Research Commons 3rd Floor, 175 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH

Join University Libraries and an (in-person) panel of Ohio State faculty members whose scholarly monographs have been funded as part of our TOME@Ohio State initiative to learn about their work and what Open Access has meant for their monographs and scholarship. TOME@Ohio State provides subvention funds to university presses for the publication and wide distribution of Open Access […]

Fathers matter: The importance of father involvement on child development in early childhood Webinar

Join us for the October Crane Research Forum with Dr. Susan Yoon, Crane faculty affiliate and associate professor in the College of Social Work at The Ohio State University. Fathers can make unique and important contributions to their children’s well-being and positive development. Through a recent project funded by the U.S. Administration for Children and […]

Career Insights Seminar Series: Journey from Student to Researcher (Virtual Event)

Lisa Ng, Ph.D. from the National Institute of Science and Technology, will speak about her career development and her current career activities as a mechanical engineer. There will be a Q & A afterward.  This event is for Grad Students and Postdocs, particularly women in STEM field training programs. Register

Team Science Workshop (Virtual)

As research becomes more interdisciplinary, it is crucial that researchers are able to work effectively with investigators, colleagues, and others from other disciplines. “Team Science” is the study and application of principles and strategies to develop, lead, and manage groups of people as part of a research project/team. This series of online workshops will focus […]

STEM Community of Practice: Webinar

The Office of Outreach and Engagement invites individuals to come together as a community of practice to share resources, ideas, impact, and expertise related to STEM-based outreach and engagement programs, focused on youth, adult and community participants. The overall goal of the community of practice is to provide opportunities for individuals to build collaborations and […]

BIIG Collaborations @ The STEAM Factory – Biotechnology (Workshop)

The STEAM Factory 400 W Rich St, Columbus, OH, United States

The Office of Knowledge Enterprise’s BIIG Collaborations is a series of activities designed to provide faculty with the resources and support needed to establish and cultivate collaborations across disciplines, and explore innovative research questions. The program kicks off with two events to begin to forge collaborative interdisciplinary teams seeking to innovate around a common research […]

TOME@Ohio State Publishing Grants for Open Access Digital Monographs in the Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences (Virtual Event)

Are you a faculty member publishing a monograph with a university press? The Ohio State University Libraries is funding the publication of Open Access digital editions of university press monographs by Ohio State faculty to advance the wide dissemination of humanities and humanistic social science scholarship. Awards of up to $15,000 each will be provided as […]

BIIG Collaborations @ The STEAM Factory – STEM Education and Workforce Development (Workshop)

The STEAM Factory 400 W Rich St, Columbus, OH, United States

The Office of Knowledge Enterprise’s BIIG Collaborations is a series of activities designed to provide faculty with the resources and support needed to establish and cultivate collaborations across disciplines, and explore innovative research questions. The program kicks off with two events to begin to forge collaborative interdisciplinary teams seeking to innovate around a common research […]

Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices Webinar

What is research misconduct and how do you distinguish it from detrimental research practices? Research Integrity Officers from HHS and NIH will help answer this question and more, as they discuss regulations, an institution’s responsibilities, and ways to avoid misconduct in research at all! Experts will explore interpersonal, institutional, and professional responsibilities in the overall […]

Introduction to the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (Virtual Event)

Join us for an introduction to the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy which will go into effect on January 25, 2023.  This policy will apply to all new funding applications on or after this date and requires that applicants include a DMS plan as part of their application materials.  Compliance with the […]

2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs Awards Pre-Proposal Workshop (Virtual)

Ohio State full-time assistant, associate and full professors are invited to submit proposals for the 2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment awards. The annual competition, funded by Battelle Memorial Institute, awards three to six projects (from $10,000 to $60,000) that examine the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. Emphasis is […]