Innovating Talent Development: Cleveland’s Path to Excellence in Computer Science (Zoom)

Join us as we explore why Cleveland has emerged as a leader among Ohio’s urban districts in computer science education and teacher training. Learn how local employers, like the Cleveland Clinic and NASA Glenn, are not just participating but actively shaping the future by offering transformative summer internships and opening doors to incredible career opportunities. […]

Introduction to the 2023 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (Virtual Event)

Do you have an upcoming NIH proposal due? Join us to learn about the newly implemented NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy, including the requirement to submit a DMS plan with all new applications and renewals. Compliance with the submitted and accepted plan will be assessed, and non-compliance can impact future funding. This informational […]

Early Career Federal Funding Opportunities Overview (Webinar)

The Research Development team is kicking off the new year with a webinar overview of federal research funding opportunities targeting early career faculty on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at noon.  The webinar will feature a brief overview of key federal agency early career awards (DARPA, Dept of Energy, Dept of Defense, and NASA), as well […]

Demystifying Research: Streamline Research Planning (Workshop)

Research Commons 3rd Floor, 175 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH

Overwhelmed when starting a new research project? Struggling to break your project down into manageable steps and keep track of progress? In this workshop, we’ll share strategies and tips to help make planning research projects less daunting. Graduate students in any discipline and at any stage of their programs will learn how to streamline research […]

Demystifying Research: Research and Citation Management Made Simple (Workshop)

18th Avenue Library 175 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH, United States

Drowning in a sea of research files and sources? Struggling with disorganized and misplaced files? Conducting research can quickly lead to an overwhelming collection of articles, datasets, and notes. In this workshop, we’ll share practical strategies for developing an efficient filing system and for managing citations effectively. Graduate students in any discipline and at any […]

Harnessing the Power of Hope and Belonging to Buffer the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (Zoom)

Join us via Zoom for the February Crane Research Forum as Dr. Brett Zyromski discusses ways to buffer against the impact of childhood trauma.   Dr. Brett Zyromski, associate professor and program chair of the Counselor Education Program at The Ohio State University   Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood and […]

Demystifying Research: Archives and Research Methods (Workshop)

Thompson Library

OSU archivists, curators, and librarians will offer graduate students from all disciplines a hands-on introduction to archives and archival research methods. Topics covered will include finding and accessing archives and special collections, analyzing archival sources, and formulating research questions and projects using archival materials. No prior experience using special collections or archives is necessary. Register […]

Archives and Research Methods

Thompson Library

OSU archivists, curators, and librarians will offer graduate students from all disciplines a hands-on introduction to archives and archival research methods. Topics covered will include finding and accessing archives and special collections, analyzing archival sources, and formulating research questions and projects using archival materials. No prior experience using special collections or archives is necessary. Register

Discover Research Tools and Resources: TDM Studio (Virtual Event)

Text as Data: An Introduction to TDM Studio for Newspapers, Government, Dissertations, and Web of Science Content This workshop will provide an overview of TDM Studio and how it can be useful for your computational text analysis work. We will demo how to answers questions like these: How does social media impact mental health? How can […]

2025 EHE Research Forum

Ohio Union 1739 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio

The 2025 EHE Research Forum will be held Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 8am-3:30pm. Once again, it will be held in the Ohio Union. Please save the date – even if you won’t be presenting – we hope to have a great turnout! Registration for the event is now open! 2025 EHE Research Forum RSVP

Introduction to Accelerator Awards (Zoom)

Accelerator Award pre-proposal sessions provide applicants with an overview of the funding opportunity and are intended to provide context and guidance on the proposal content.  Contact for more information. Register

Introduction to Accelerator Awards (Zoom)

Accelerator Award pre-proposal sessions provide applicants with an overview of the funding opportunity and are intended to provide context and guidance on the proposal content.  Contact for more information. Register