GRO Ideation Workshops – Information Session

The Ohio State Office of Knowledge Enterprise (OKE) invites proposals from interdisciplinary teams interested in GROwing new ideas through facilitated team Ideation Workshops. These workshops help research teams hone their ideas and then develop strategies and action steps to pursue external funding. As part of a larger set of Growing Research Opportunities (GRO) programs, these […]

NSF Q&A Office Hours for 2021 ITEST Solicitation Applicants: Procedural, Budget, and Technical Questions

On August 3, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago for two general questions sessions designed for those planning to submit proposals to ITEST on August 13, 2021. This will be an “office hours” style discussion and will be geared towards answering general questions around completing the required proposal […]

2021 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference: All Data on Deck! Using Data to Improve Education Through the Pandemic

Registration is now open for the 2021 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference!  The Conference, hosted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), will be held virtually from August 16-20, 2021. The theme of this year’s conference is, “All Data on Deck! Using Data to Improve Education Through the Pandemic.” The conference is free and open […]

REL Webinar: Improving Civic Readiness Through Research, Policy, and Practice

Join REL Central for webinar exploring how students’ civic readiness can be developed and measured. Partners from the Wyoming Department of Education, Nebraska Department of Education, and Eugene School District 4J will share the policies, programs, and practices they are implementing to support the development of civic readiness in their state or district. REL Central […]

Next-Level Logic Models for Your ATE Proposal and Beyond Webinar

At its core, a logic model is a visual representation of a project’s activities and intended outcomes. But it’s much more than an illustration; your logic model has many uses in and beyond your NSF-funded ATE proposal. This webinar will help you take your logic model to the next level. We will demonstrate how logic […]

Zoom Workshop: Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring (Faculty Only)

This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty and will be offered Aug. 19, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. via Zoom. Participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege and biases in the mentor-mentee relationship. REGISTER

Crane Research Forum: Tax Policies and Child Development Webinar

Please join us for the September Crane Research Forum with Dr. Lauren Jones, Crane Center faculty affiliate and assistant professor in both the Department of Human Sciences and the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. A family’s socio-economic status is often evaluated as a predictor of a child’s future educational, health, and professional outcomes. Because […]

The Pitfalls of Data Portals: A Look at Cross-National Homicide Rates Webinar

On Wednesday, September 8, the QMC will host Dr. Manuel Eisner of the University of Cambridge for a presentation on using data provided by open-access portals (e.g., World Health Organization, UNICEF). Dr. Eisner is the Director of the Violence Research Centre at the University of Cambridge and has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters […]

Corporate Research Engagement 101: The Basics Webinar

This webinar intended for Ohio State faculty and grad/postgrad students, who participate in industry sponsored research collaborations. Attendees will discover what industry partners value from their relationship with academia and how faculty and students benefits from engaging with industry.  Participants will explore how to use existing U-I (University-Industry) relationships to identify company contacts; gather intelligence […]

Better Research through Better Mentoring – Part 1 Workshop (Faculty Only)

Date:  September 14 & 16 2021 Time:  3-5 PM Register here Location: Online via Zoom Attendance is limited to 25 faculty members from any discipline although many of the case studies come from STEM fields. These mentoring workshops are now part of an endorsement in Research Mentoring from the Drake Institute. This endorsement can be […]

NVivo Virtual Conference: Transcending Boundaries in Qualitative Research

Join leading researchers from around the globe at the NVivo Virtual Conference 2021, to meet, learn and network with peers and experts as we transcend boundaries in qualitative research in it's widest sense, across disciplines, methods and cultures. Customize your learning and networking experience by selecting from over 70 hours of programming available live on […]