NSF Convergence Accelerator Request for Information – Webinar

Requesting Future Topics for the NSF Convergence Accelerator Learn about the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 22-021) /Request For Information (DCL/RFI) and the program’s ideation process. Attendees will learn about the Convergence Accelerator’s model and fundamentals, designed to leverage a convergence approach to transition basic research and discovery into practice. The NSF will explain how the […]

Poststructural Feminist Educational Policy and Qualitative Research Webinar

QualLab Lunch Talk – Spring 2022 (Virtual) Please join the QualLab for the first lunch talk of the semester featuring Dr. Susan Iverson, Professor of Educational Leadership at Manhattanville and Dr. Elizabeth Allan, Professor of Higher Education at the University of Maine. Their talk will provide a riveting and engaging discussion on poststructural feminist educational […]

NSF Policy Office Webinar Series – Current and Pending Support (Webinar)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will be launching a 2022 NSF Policy Office Webinar Series, that will focus on specific topics of interest to the research community. It will begin with a webinar covering NSF's Current and Pending Support policy and frequently asked questions. This virtual webinar will take place on January 31, 2022 at […]

Using Social Media and Online Community Data for Social Science Research Webinar

Register: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_erp5edhQ8o9BuxU Dr. Jeremy Foote is an Assistant Professor in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University and member of the Community Data Science Collective, a group of computational social scientists working to understand online communities. Dr. Foote received his PhD in Media, Technology, and Society from the School of Communication at Northwestern […]

Introduction to Data Visualization Webinar

Register: https://library.osu.edu/researchcommons/event/introduction-to-data-visualization Data visualization (or data viz for short) has rapidly developed into a huge area of interest for a broad group of users including researchers, businesses and anyone looking to effectively communicate a large amount of information to a specific audience. If you have a research question that utilizes data, data visualization and its […]

Fair Use in Research and Teaching Webinar

Register: https://library.osu.edu/researchcommons/event/fair-use-in-research-and-teaching Do you use materials from third party sources in your teaching or research publications? Have you heard that all educational use is fair use but have some concerns about whether this is accurate? How can you evaluate whether something may qualify as fair use or determine if you need to seek permission? Join Copyright Services for […]

2022 EHE Research Forum

Ohio Union 1739 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio

When: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Where: The Ohio Union  The yearly EHE Research Forum highlights the research efforts of our faculty, postdocs, research scientists and graduate and undergraduate students. Presentations will begin at 8 a.m. and continue through 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch and a keynote presentation at 11:45 […]

Workshop I: Introduction to JASP and Bayesian Data Analysis (Virtual)

Register: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6rDWZ9r6SzwUF0i Friday, February 25, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This session will cover an introduction to the JASP environment, Bayesian statistics, and will demonstrate how to conduct basic Bayesian tests (e.g., binomial tests and one-sample t-tests). Join us for this FREE virtual hands-on workshop. Part II will occur March 4 - see that entry. […]

Introduction to Tableau for Data Visualization Webinar

Register: https://library.osu.edu/researchcommons/event/introduction-to-tableau-for-data-visualization-workshop-2 Tableau is a data visualization program that offers both quick and flexible methods of visualizing your data in a variety of ways, including through interactive dashboards. Offering ways to explore your dataset as well as explain it, Tableau combines ease of use and powerful options for engaging your audience with interesting visualizations. In […]

Crane Research Forums Spring 2022: Executive Functions and Academic Outcomes (Virtual)

When: Wednesday, March 2 from Noon to 1 p.m.  Where: Online via Zoom Each semester, the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy features research on emerging or key topics affecting children. The Spring 2022 line-up seeks to further our understanding on how to improve academic outcomes for all children as well as how […]

Decolonizing Qualitative Approaches: Lessons Learned from the Caribbean QualLab Lunch Webinar

Decolonizing Qualitative Approaches: Lessons Learned from the Caribbean | Thursday, March 3, 12pm-1pm EST featuring Dr. Saran Stewart, Associate Professor, Higher Education and Student Affairs, University of Connecticut In this presentation, Dr. Stewart will challenge the ways that colonial legacies of research have ridiculed oral traditions, language, and ways of knowing, and will present theorization […]