Creating Inclusive STEM Opportunities for Students with Disabilities: Informal Settings Webinar

On April 11 and April 13, STELAR will host a two-part webinar series showcasing six ITEST projects’ work on designing inclusive STEM learning environments and opportunities for students with disabilities in both formal and informal settings. Each learning environment has different goals and challenges, yet both formal and informal learning environments demand dedicated teachers to […]

Meeting IES Program Officers: Grant Funding Opportunities at the Institution of Education Sciences Webinar

Register: (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.)   Description: Program Officers from the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in the Institution of Education Sciences (IES) will provide a brief overview of upcoming grant funding opportunities and […]

Grief Work through Qualitative Research QualLab Lunch Webinar

Grief Work through Qualitative Research | Thursday, April 14, 12pm-1pm EST featuring Dr. Z Nicolazzo, Associate Professor, Trans* Studies in Education, University of Arizona In this presentation, Dr. Nicolazzo will discuss how grief is present through absence in qualitative research. Register at

Lessons from the Calculus Knowledge Assessment Webinar

Spring 2022 Speaker Series: Dr. Jim Fowler Register: Dr. Jim Fowler is a mathematician at The Ohio State University. His research interests broadly include geometry and topology, and more specifically focus on the topology of high-dimensional manifolds and geometric group theory. In other words, he thinks in depth about highly symmetric geometric objects. He’s […]

Making People Care: Elevator Speech Development Coaching Workshop (Virtual)

This virtual interactive workshop will guide you through the strategy, steps and storytelling in the development of your ideal elevator speech so that you can bring your research passion to life for any audience. After introduction and guidance from the facilitator, participants will have the opportunity to craft their own elevator speech and workshop it […]

Secondary Data Symposium (Online)

The Secondary Data Symposium is an annual experience for biostatisticians and clinical and scientific partners. This year, the theme is “Improving Health Outcomes with Use of Secondary Data.” The goal is to leverage secondary data in pursuit of creating a healthier future. For all researchers, clinicians, and Ohio State faculty, this symposium will provide attendees with […]

Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring (Faculty Only)

Attendance is limited to 25 faculty members from any discipline although many of the case studies come from STEM fields. Prior to attending the workshop, participants will need to complete a 40 minute online module. This awareness-raising activity will help mentors take full advantage of the workshop. This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate […]

Why Quantitative Research Matters: An Interdisciplinary Approach Toward Equity and Capacity-Building from Local to Global Reach (Hybrid)

This conference is sponsored by the Ohio State College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) Quantitative Methodology Center and will be held in Columbus, Ohio. Registration now Open: Conference Details: For more information, contact

Funding Mechanisms for Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Research & Training Webinar

Zoom: Open to all faculty, staff & trainees Featured speakers: “NIH Opportunities and Mechanism to enhance Diversity” Rob Rivers, PhD Program Director Office of Minority Health Research Coordination National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), NIH “Applying for NIH diversity supplements and research education programs” Marguerite Matthews, PhD Program Director […]

NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program Webinar

The National Research Mentoring Network will host a new webinar in their Career Development Webinar Series with the NIH. The webinar will discuss funding opportunities within the NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research (HRHR) program, which issues annual funding opportunities for exceptionally creative scientists with highly innovative research ideas. The webinar will share four funding opportunities within […]

NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy Webinar Series Part 1

The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) and the Office of Extramural Research (OER) invite you to join them for an informative webinar series focused on the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy which goes into effect on January 25, 2023. This policy reinforces NIH’s longstanding commitment to making the research it funds […]

Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring Webinar (Faculty Only)

Attendance is limited to 25 faculty members from any discipline although many of the case studies come from STEM fields. Prior to attending the workshop, participants will need to complete a 40 minute online module. This awareness-raising activity will help mentors take full advantage of the workshop. This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate […]