An Unapologetically Engaged Approach to Racial Justice Research in Schools and Communities Webinar

Dr. Malik Henfield will discuss his unapologetic approach to school- and community-based research and the direct/indirect implications of this work for those of us in higher education settings. His community engagement research with schools (e.g., Atlanta Public School District, Baltimore City Public School District, Chicago Public Schools, Oakland Unified School District, San Francisco Unified School […]

Grant Funded Research: Strategies to Address the Myth of “They Don’t Fund Qualitative Research” Webinar

This webinar is being hosted by the EHE QualLab and is one of a series of lunches that offer information about an important qualitative topic such as anti-racist research designs, ethics in ethnographic research, how to obtain grants with a qualitative design, and more. Presenters: Kimberly Lightle, EHE ORIC Director of Research and Penny Pasque, […]

Corporate Research Engagement 101: The Basics Webinar

This webinar will benefit Ohio State affiliates who participate or will participate in corporate research engagement.  Attendees will learn what industry partners value from their relationship with academia and how academia benefits from engaging in collaborative industry-sponsored research. Other topics include how to use existing industry/university relationships to identify company contacts; how to gather intelligence on […]

Advanced Methods Institute: Advancing Culturally Responsive Research and Researchers

The College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) and the EHE Office of Research, Innovation, Collaboration (ORIC), The Ohio State University are sponsoring a virtual, 3-day advanced methods institute entitled, Advancing Culturally Responsive Research and Researchers. The virtual event will be held starting at noon on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 and ending after lunch on Friday, […]

Corporate Research Engagement 101: The Basics

This webinar will benefit Ohio State affiliates who participate or will participate in corporate research engagement.  Attendees will learn what industry partners value from their relationship with academia and how academia benefits from engaging in collaborative industry-sponsored research.  Other topics include how to use existing industry/university relationships to identify company contacts; how to gather intelligence […]

NSF Q&A Office Hours for 2021 ITEST Solicitation Applicants: General Questions

On July 21, STELAR will host NSF Program Officers Robert Russell, Gavin Fulmer, and Alicia Santiago for two general questions sessions designed for those planning to submit proposals to ITEST on August 13, 2021. This will be an “office hours” style discussion and will be geared towards answering general questions around completing the required proposal […]

What Works Clearinghouse Webinar: Reviewing Studies for the WWC

Join us for a webinar to learn about processes for screening, reviewing, and reconciling What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) studies. The webinar will also cover best practices for entering accurate and complete review data. This webinar is primarily intended for WWC certified reviewers and prospective reviewers. Topics will include the following: The process for referring studies […]

TDAI SU21 R Programming Workshop

Pomerene Hall 1760 Neil Ave Building 067, Columbus, OH, United States

The Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI) is pleased to announce the continuation of our Data Literacy series for summer 2021. The upcoming session is a multi-part workshop for learning about R, a free and open-source programming language used by many for statistical computing. This series of workshops covers how to get started in R, use […]

NSF Convergence Accelerator Expo 2021

This “must-attend” virtual event is an attendee’s opportunity to see unique use-inspired research solutions funded by the NSF Convergence Accelerator. Last year’s inaugural event drew over 1,500 attendees from academia, industry, non-profit, government across 25 countries, and this year’s event is expected to be even larger. During the event, you will have the opportunity to […]

Creating Balanced Systems of Assessment to Support Equitable Opportunities to Learn and Child Well-being Webinar

Join REL Pacific and presenters Ms. Katie Buckley from Teach for America, Dr. W. Christopher Brandt from the Center for Assessment, and Ms. Fern Yoshida from the Hawai‘i Department of Education for this second webinar in a three-part series. Participants will learn about the research on guiding the development of a balanced system of assessments […]