Introduction to Tableau for Data Visualization Webinar

Register: Tableau is a data visualization program that offers both quick and flexible methods of visualizing your data in a variety of ways, including through interactive dashboards. Offering ways to explore your dataset as well as explain it, Tableau combines ease of use and powerful options for engaging your audience with interesting visualizations. In […]

GIS Day 2022

18th Avenue Library 175 West 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH, United States

GIS Day is an annual event for students, staff, faculty, and the broader community to learn more about geographic information systems (GIS) and to celebrate the power of geospatial data, methods, and technologies for answering research questions and solving real-world problems. Join us on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 for an in-person GIS Day program that will include: 11am […]

Q&A on the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (Virtual Event)

Do you have questions about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy? This virtual office-hours style event features representatives from six campus offices with expertise in different areas impacted by the DMS policy. Experts from each area will host a breakout room and participants are encouraged to drop in each room with their […]

Introduction to Data Visualization (Virtual Event)

Join our Data Visualization Specialist, Brian Wisniewski, for a virtual workshop on the basics of Data Visualization. Hosted by the Research Commons, this workshop will break down what data visualization is and why it is important. Examples, tips, tools (Overviewing R, Tableau, Excel), and resources will be shared, with the aim of enabling participants to […]

Introduction to Causal Inference and Directed Acyclic Graphs (Virtual Event)

This presentation will discuss causal inference and directed acyclic graphs. Participants will learn the difference between description, prediction, and causal inference as three distinct scientific tasks requiring distinct scientific methods.  Additionally, participants will understand the main features of causal directed acyclic graphs and how they can be used to plan and interpret causal analysis and […]

QMC Spring 2023 Speaker Series: Presentation by Stephen Gavazzi (Zoom)

Friday, March 10, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Dr. Stephen Gavazzi, Director, Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR) Title: Data and Samples Available Through CHRR at The Ohio State University: The National Longitudinal Studies, Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive, and the American Population Panel Dr. Stephen Gavazzi Stephen M. Gavazzi, Ph.D. is Director of CHRR at The Ohio […]

Data Daze Monthly Forum: Visualization Deep Dive, Part 1 Workshop

Research Commons 3rd Floor, 175 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH

With so many types of charts or graphs to choose from, how do you determine the most effective one to use to share your data? We will explore various families of charts – beyond the simple bar or line chart – that will allow you to compare categories, explore change over time, and examine distribution. […]

What does feminist data science look like? (Virtual Event)

As data are increasingly mobilized in the service of governments and corporations, their unequal conditions of production, their asymmetrical methods of application, and their unequal effects on both individuals and groups have become increasingly difficult for data scientists--and others who rely on data in their work--to ignore. But it is precisely this power that makes […]

Secondary Data Symposium 2023 (Online)

A symposium featuring faculty research supported by The Ohio State University Department of Biomedical Informatics, Center for Biostatistics, Secondary Data Core, curated for an audience of clinicians and researchers. Research professionals will present on their experience and overall expertise with using secondary data to answer important questions throughout multiple areas of study. Register

Introduction to Data Visualization in R (Virtual Event)

This workshop will consist of a beginner friendly introduction to the R programming language for data visualization. We will explore the pros & cons of using R and showcase examples & resources. Those with or without programming experience are encouraged to attend! Join us to learn more about visualizing data using the R programming language, […]

Introduction to Data Visualization in Python (Virtual Event)

This workshop will consist of a beginner friendly introduction to the Python programming language for data visualization. We will explore the pros & cons of using Python and showcase examples & resources. Those with or without programming experience are encouraged to attend! Join us to learn more about visualizing data using the Python programming language, […]

Introduction to Data Visualization (Virtual Event)

Join us for a virtual Introduction to Data Visualization workshop. Put on by the Research Commons, this workshop will break down what data visualization is and why it is important. Examples, tips, tools, and resources will be shared, with the aim of enabling the participants to realize data visualization in their own lives. Join us […]