Outside Activities and Conflicts (Online)

This two-hour case study based workshop covers the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This workshop is led by ethics experts from Academic Affairs, Medical Center Compliance, and University Compliance and Integrity. CarmenZoom links will be provided to attendees the day before each session. […]

HHMI Investigator Program Information Session (Virtual)

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is requesting applications from basic researchers and physician scientists for its 2024 Investigator Program. Interested and eligible researchers are encouraged to attend a virtual information session hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Foundation Relations. This info session will cover application requirements for the HHMI […]

Role of Industry Experts Workshop

Accelerator Awards pre-proposal workshop to introduce the role of industry experts for Accelerator Awards, who they are, why are they required and suggestions for identifying and engaging them. The Accelerator Awards program provides funding to faculty and eligible staff for technology development to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge Ohio State innovations from the university into the marketplace, […]

Virtual 2023 NIH Grants Conference: Funding, Policies, & Processes

NIH invites you to explore the 2023 NIH Grants Conference agenda, offering 2-days of sessions designed to clarify the NIH grants process and policies, as well as provide the latest news and information. Twenty-five sessions offer attendees an array of options on various topics, and the opportunity to engage with presenters through Q&A and chat features. […]

Introduction to Causal Inference and Directed Acyclic Graphs (Virtual Event)

This presentation will discuss causal inference and directed acyclic graphs. Participants will learn the difference between description, prediction, and causal inference as three distinct scientific tasks requiring distinct scientific methods.  Additionally, participants will understand the main features of causal directed acyclic graphs and how they can be used to plan and interpret causal analysis and […]

An Introduction to Humanities Commons (Virtual Event)

Join us for the next session of the "Communicating Your Research" series, as Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Project Director of the Humanities Commons, provides an introduction to Humanities Commons. She will discuss the history of Humanities Commons and how the Commons allows scholars, in all disciplines, to create a professional profile and share their work. Register

Mapping your Research Agenda: Workshop and Panel Discussion Webinar

Join the Office of Knowledge Enterprise for this two-hour workshop, designed for early- to mid-career faculty interested in developing a concrete plan for their short-term and long-term research agenda. In our first hour, Rachel Kajfez, associate professor of engineering education in the College of Engineering will share her own experiences with research planning and provide practical steps […]

Increasing the Impact of Your Research (Zoom)

Understanding how to track and enhance your research impact will help you to communicate the importance of your scholarly work in your field and beyond. This knowledge can be helpful in preparing promotion and tenure documentation, submitting grant applications, and connecting with potential collaborators. Join us to learn how to manage your author identity, ensure […]

Opportunities for Research Within the Data Science Education Community Webinar

Hosts: Katherine Miller, The Concord Consortium; Seth Jones, Middle Tennessee State University; Kirsten Daehler, WestEd; David Weintrop, University of Maryland; and Chad Dorsey, The Concord Consortium The goal of this workshop session is to invite early career researchers interested in data science education (DSE) into the DSE community. The session includes information on the state […]

REDCap Design Part 1 (Webinar)

This level of training is appropriate for individuals who are using REDCap for the first time, or individuals who have very limited prior experience. This session reviews the basics of REDCap form design, the REDCap Shared Library, enabling surveys, testing, and ways of distributing surveys. Please click here to register. A calendar invite will be sent after […]

Open Access Article Publishing With No Cost to Ohio State Authors (Virtual Information Session)

More than $3.3 million in fees have been waived for Ohio State corresponding authors publishing Open Access articles under the agreements University Libraries has with Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Cambridge University Press, PLOS, the Royal Society, The Company of Biologists, De Gruyter, the Institute of Physics (IOP), and the Microbiology Society. Join us to learn […]

Buck-IRB Initial Submissions (Zoom)

The Office of Responsible Research Practices is offering a session on the Buck-IRB initial submission application. At the end of the offering, attendees will be able to: Navigate through the Ohio State IRB initial application (not external or exempt) Identify documents that typically accompany a complete application Anticipate common pitfalls and create strategies for a […]