Crafting Better Grant Proposals Using the Heilmeier Catechism (Virtual)

Who: Ohio State faculty, postdocs and graduate student researchers When: Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 1 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Where: Remote (a personalized Zoom link will be included in the registration confirmation email) The Heilmeier Catechism, developed by George H. Heilmeier, is a series of nine questions originally used to evaluate proposed research programs at […]

Better Research through Better Mentoring – Part 1 (Faculty Only) – Virtual

Date: Dec. 6 and Dec. 9 (Two Days) Time: 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom REGISTER Attendance is limited to 25 faculty members from any discipline although many of the case studies come from STEM fields. These mentoring workshops are now part of an endorsement in Research Mentoring from the Drake Institute. This […]

NIH Biosketch and Other Support Changes – Webinar

There are important changes coming to to NIH biosketches and other support documents on January 25, 2022. The Office of Sponsored Programs and Karly Taylor from the Office of Secure Research will be repeating their outreach presentations from this fall in early January. The presentation will be offered twice: When: January 4, 2022   11 a.m. […]

Grant Writing 101: Writing a Grant Proposal for Private Funders Webinar

This webinar is designed for individuals new to, or seeking a refresher course, on writing effective grant proposals. Participants will learn how to identify potential funders and navigate the application process, including the development of both a letter of intent (LOI) and full proposal. While the focus of this training pertains to securing funding from […]

NIH Funding Mechanisms and the Peer Review Process Webinar

We have scheduled a webinar with National Institutes of Health (NIH) program officers where participants will get a detailed walkthrough of NIH resources available to them, funding mechanisms and opportunities, and tips for successful reviews. Register: (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and a link to add the […]

Crafting Better Grant Proposals Using the Heilmeier Catechism Webinar

The Heilmeier Catechism, developed by George H. Heilmeier, is a series of nine questions originally used to evaluate proposed research programs at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This presentation will provide an overview of these questions, which can be employed to develop stronger, more competitive proposals by providing a framework for proposal organization […]

Funding Mechanisms for Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Research & Training Webinar

Zoom: Open to all faculty, staff & trainees Featured speakers: “NIH Opportunities and Mechanism to enhance Diversity” Rob Rivers, PhD Program Director Office of Minority Health Research Coordination National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), NIH “Applying for NIH diversity supplements and research education programs” Marguerite Matthews, PhD Program Director […]

2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs Awards Pre-Proposal Workshop (Virtual)

Ohio State full-time assistant, associate and full professors are invited to submit proposals for the 2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment awards. The annual competition, funded by Battelle Memorial Institute, awards three to six projects (from $10,000 to $60,000) that examine the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. Emphasis is […]

Overview Accelerator Awards Pre-Proposal Workshop

Information session on the Accelerator Awards program and pre-proposal submission for the upcoming Spring 2023 cycle. The Accelerator Awards program provides funding to faculty and eligible staff for technology development to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge Ohio State innovations from the university into the marketplace, bridging the gap between academic research and market ready technologies. Upcoming Accelerator […]

HHMI Investigator Program Information Session (Virtual)

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is requesting applications from basic researchers and physician scientists for its 2024 Investigator Program. Interested and eligible researchers are encouraged to attend a virtual information session hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Foundation Relations. This info session will cover application requirements for the HHMI […]

Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]

Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship Proposal Workshops (Virtual Event)

The Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship (URLF) is an exciting 10-week paid summer opportunity for students to conduct their own research on a wide range of subjects while working with a University Libraries mentor. Applications for are due February 20, 2023. This 75-minute workshop will introduce the URLF’s benefits, application process and how to develop a research […]