Publishing Grants for Open Access Monographs (Virtual Information Session)

Are you a faculty member publishing a monograph with a university press? Faculty members publishing a scholarly monograph with a university press may be eligible for an award of up to $15,000 to publish their work Open Access. Join us to learn more about our new Ohio State Open Access Monograph Initiative launching this Fall. The […]

ORCID 101 (Virtual Event)

This webinar will provide an overview of ORCID. Information will be provided to help you understand what an ORCID iD is and how it can benefit you. You will learn how to register for an ORCID iD and how to start populating data in your ORCID record. Register

Buck-IRB Initial Submissions (Zoom)

The Office of Responsible Research Practices is offering a session on the Buck-IRB initial submission application. At the end of the offering, attendees will be able to: Navigate through the Ohio State IRB initial application (not external or exempt) Identify documents that typically accompany a complete application Anticipate common pitfalls and create strategies for a […]

Introduction to the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (Virtual Event)

Do you have an upcoming NIH proposal due? Join us to learn about the newly implemented NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy, including the requirement to submit a DMS plan with all new applications and renewals. Compliance with the submitted and accepted plan will be assessed, and non-compliance can impact future funding. This informational […]

IPR Special Topics Seminar I: Data Management Tips to Improve Research Efficiency and Quality (In-person or virtual)

Townshend Hall 1885 Neil Ave Mall, Columbus, OH

In nearly every research project, your most important collaborator (you from 5 months ago) does not reply to emails.  Fortunately, there are several strategies for handling these types of problems.  In this seminar we will focus on best practices and tools for managing your data and improving your research efficiency. Using modular batch scripts, GitHub, […]

Fall 2023 Speaker Series: Choosing to Learn: The Value of Autonomy in Post-Secondary Education (Zoom)

Friday, September 22, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Daniel Oppenheimer, Professor of Social & Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University Title: Choosing to Learn: The Value of Autonomy in Post-Secondary Education Please join us for an invited talk by Dr. Danny Oppenheimer, professor at Carnegie Mellon University, for an invited talk on Friday, September 22 from 12:00 pm […]

QualLab Lunch: The Question of Blackness in Qualitative Inquiry (Zoom)

QualLab Lunches are back for Fall 2023! Join us for our first QualLab Lunch of the 2023-2024 academic year – Dr. Wilson Kwamogi Okello, Assistant Professor at Penn State University will discuss “The Question of Blackness in Qualitative Inquiry.” This event will be held on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 from 12 PM to 1 PM.   In this talk, Dr. Okello discusses how theorizing Blacknessprovides the conditions of […]

Fall 2023 By the Numbers Discussion Series: School Segregation By the Numbers (Zoom)

Friday, October 6, 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Jacqueline Nowicki, Government Accountability Office (GAO) Title: School Segregation By the Numbers Please join Ms. Jacqueline Nowicki, the Director of  Education, Workforce, and Income Security at the Government Accountability Office (GAO), for a discussion on recent reports regarding school segregation among US K-12 schools. Please read the following report […]

I have an ORCID iD, Now What? (Virtual Event)

So you have your ORCID ID. Now, join us for some tips and tricks for building your ORCID record! This webinar will provide tips for building your ORCID record including using Search and Link Wizards, adding a biography, other identifiers, documenting peer review and other professional activities. Register

Get-to-Know Metro information session (In-person)

1929 Kenny Road

You are invited to the Metro Schools' “Get to Know” event on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 9-11 a.m.  Ohio State faculty or staff with an interest in collaborating with Metro in outreach, instruction, educational research or broader impacts of research are welcome to attend. Also, learn about Metro’s plans for expansion, including a new combined middle and high school campus and […]

Fall 2023 Speaker Series: High School Data Science Controversy: California and Beyond (Zoom)

Friday, October 20, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Dr. Jelani Nelson, Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley) Title: High School Data Science Controversy: California and Beyond Dr. Jelani Nelson Bio Dr. Jelani Nelson is a professor of Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. […]

CARE Panel: The Ethics of Human Challenge Studies (Zoom)

Human challenge trials, which intentionally expose healthy volunteers to disease, have historically been part of scientific research and have contributed to vital scientific advances in drug and vaccine development. Nevertheless, such research has been criticized as conflicting with the guiding principle in medicine to do no harm. This panel will discuss: under what conditions, if […]