CARE Panel: Considering Risk of Research to Non-participants (Zoom)

This panel will consider how to think about risk to bystanders in research. Among the questions that will be discussed are: Should IRBs take bystander risk into account when approving studies? If so, to what sorts of protections are bystanders entitled? Are there upper limits of risk that we can impose on non-participants in research? […]

Lab to Impact: Explore the Commercial Potential of Your Innovative Technology or idea

Join our workshops to understand the process of taking a technology concept or idea from the university to the market. Tailored for graduate students, postdocs, researchers, staff, and faculty, these interactive sessions cut through the complexity. Leveraging the proven methodology of the NSF I-Corps program, we cover crucial content to help you validate if your […]

Data Cleaning for Social Sciences Workshop 1: Introduction & Basic Data Cleaning Procedures

The QMC is hosting a free, virtual three-part workshop series on data cleaning for social sciences. The event will be held over Zoom, and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced data cleaning procedures. The overall goals of this workshop series are to equip participants, particularly in the field of social sciences, with the essential skills and […]

Data Cleaning for Social Sciences Workshop 2: Intermediate Data Cleaning Procedures

The QMC is hosting a free, virtual three-part workshop series on data cleaning for social sciences. The event will be held over Zoom, and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced data cleaning procedures. The overall goals of this workshop series are to equip participants, particularly in the field of social sciences, with the essential skills and […]

Resource Fair: Finding Secondary Data

Research Commons 3rd Floor, 175 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH

Ever wondered where to find the perfect data set for your research or instruction? Join us for a resource fair of Ohio State archives, repositories, and centers that provide access to research data. While registrants enjoy a catered lunch, representatives from each facility will provide short presentations about the data they make available. Afterwards, attendees […]

Data Cleaning for Social Sciences Workshop 3: Advanced Data Cleaning Procedures

The QMC is hosting a free, virtual three-part workshop series on data cleaning for social sciences. The event will be held over Zoom, and cover basic, intermediate, and advanced data cleaning procedures. The overall goals of this workshop series are to equip participants, particularly in the field of social sciences, with the essential skills and […]

Introduction to Data Visualization (Virtual Event)

Join us for a virtual Introduction to Data Visualization workshop. Learn what data visualization is and why it is important. Examples, tips, tools, best practices and other resources will be shared to help you effectively visualize data for presentations, research and more. Register

Finding Funding Opportunities (Virtual Event)

Join this informational webinar for tips on how to find funding opportunities from federal and philanthropic sources. Presented by the Office of Knowledge Enterprise and Foundation Relations, attendees will learn about resources to support their search for funding, including a live demonstration of SPIN, the world’s largest database of sponsored funding opportunities. Register

2024 EHE Research Forum

Ohio Union 1739 N. High Street, Columbus, Ohio

The 2024 EHE Research Forum will be held Thursday, February 22, 2024 from 8am-4pm. Once again, it will be held in the Ohio Union.  This yearly event will feature over 100 presentations by researchers across the college! Register here! Please direct any questions about the forum to Matt Eveland, Administrative Coordinator, EHE Office of Research, […]

Paying Study Participants: Ethical and Practical Considerations (Zoom)

Do you compensate participants who take part in your research? The Office of Responsible Research Practices, College of Optometry, and Department of Psychology are offering an updated series about participant compensation considerations in both medical and non-medical research. By the end of the first session, to be held on Thursday, February 22nd, from 2 to […]

Early Career Federal Funding Program Proposal Basics (Webinar)

The Research Development Office started a new program focused on significantly increasing early career research awards from federal agencies where we currently see lower than desirable numbers of proposals and awards: Department of Defense (Army, Navy, Air Force), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Energy, and NASA. These agencies fund a wide range of basic […]