All grant proposals seeking external funding, including those submitted by students, must be approved by OSU authorized officials before they are submitted to sponsors – no matter how small the amount of funds requested or who the sponsor is, federal or foundation.
Most all of the time, EHE’s Sponsored Program Officers Aimee Sanford or Jeff Bollinger or Kristina Markel in Foundation Relations will submit the proposal on your behalf. Even if the PI submits the proposal, our office and the Office of Sponsored Programs needs to be aware of the submission so we can guide you through the process and make sure the requirements are met.
So, as you identify and develop a grant opportunity that supports your research interests, contact Grants Managers, Niraj Gupta or Essence Vaughn. We can answer questions, create budgets, review proposal sections, and manage the proposal submission process for you.
These tools are used by the OSU Office of Sponsored Programs to facilitate the submission process, internally to get all the required approvals and to submit the proposal to external funders. The following is for your information only – your grants manager will guide you through the process of using these tools.
This form is the university’s proposal pre-approval application used by investigators submitting proposals to external sponsors. A fully-signed ePA-005 must be available to the Office of Sponsored Programs prior to proposal sign off and submission. An Authorization to Seek Off-Campus Funding form will be created by your grants manager at least three days before the proposal is due and must include the final budget. The ePA-005 documents the following:
- commitments of cost sharing or matching funds from the college and department
- commitment for cost sharing or matching funds from the Ohio Board of Regents Action Fund (if applicable)
- commitment from the chairperson and dean regarding additional space, if needed
- college GRA matching
Cayuse is the web-based front end that OSU uses for submission of proposals to and also allows submission to NSF through as an alternative to Fastlane. All submissions are required to be entered through Cayuse. It allows proposals to be created, reviewed, approved and/or submitted to federal agencies. Cayuse runs reviews on the content that is uploaded and provides error messages if there are missing sections.
Talk with your grants manager to clarify who will start your proposal so that there aren’t multiple copies of the same proposal in Cayuse. You as the PI can upload content into the sections or send content to your grants manager so that they can upload content for you. The PI should review all uploaded content before the submission occurs.