Grant Awards
Sarah Lang: FY20-21 Enhancement of the Virtual Lab School, A Comprehensive Professional Development System for Childcare Professionals $2,294,250
Leeann Lower-Hoppe: Generating Positive Workplace Outcomes Through Well-Being: Examining Collegiate Recreation Employees $9,518
The literature proposes a happy worker is a productive worker, with employee well-being linked to job performance (Nielson et al., 2017). However, this thesis offers organizations little guidance as it does not establish the antecedents to well-being. Our project investigates the antecedents of employee well-being and their influence on job performance within the context of collegiate recreation. The results of our project will inform human resource strategies and employee training interventions to improve employee well-being and performance.
Stephanie Power-Carter: Exploring PTSD Symptoms, Barriers and Facilitators to Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for Justice-Involved Black/African American Female Adolescents and Parents/Caregivers $181,209
Anneliese Johnson: CACFP Renewal 2023-2024 $40,105
Tonya Orchard: Human Sciences, Food for Thought: Pilot Study of a MIND Diet Intervention in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivors $247,500
This study will test a 12-week remotely delivered dietary counseling intervention based on the MIND diet pattern to determine effects on cancer related cognitive impairment (CRCI), commonly called “chemobrain”, in women with triple negative breast cancer starting systemic treatments. CRCI is an important issue because it affects up to three fourths of breast cancer survivors during chemotherapy and causes difficulty with memory and other cognitive functions. Our hypothesis is that a dietary intervention focused on the MIND diet will reduce cognitive problems in cancer survivors. This will pave the way for future research to develop dietary approaches to minimize side effects of cancer treatment and improve quality of life.