Are you teaching or conducting research in undergraduate education in the behavioral, economics, or social sciences and are you interested in seeking funding from NSF? Join Division of Undergraduate Education Program Officers on Friday afternoons in March to learn more about opportunities (register below).
funding opportunities
Virtual 2023 NIH Grants Conference: Funding, Policies, & Processes
NIH invites you to explore the 2023 NIH Grants Conference agenda, offering 2-days of sessions designed to clarify the NIH grants process and policies, as well as provide the latest news and information. Twenty-five sessions offer attendees an array of options on various topics, and the opportunity to engage with presenters through Q&A and chat features. Once registered and logged into the conference site, you are free to explore the 2-day agenda, on-demand library of related resources, and create your personal schedule!
The opportunities to create a meaningful and unique experience during this conference, also include visits to the Exhibit Hall. While there, you’ll encounter NIH staff and an abundance of resources located at our NIH Institute, Center, and Special Program booths. In addition, we encourage you to take advantage of the 1:1 Meet the Experts which are 20-minute chats between attendees and NIH staff, designed for more specific research and administrative questions.
2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs Awards Pre-Proposal Workshop (Virtual)
Ohio State full-time assistant, associate and full professors are invited to submit proposals for the 2023 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment awards.
The annual competition, funded by Battelle Memorial Institute, awards three to six projects (from $10,000 to $60,000) that examine the impact of science and technology on individuals and society.
Emphasis is placed on educational/public service programs and collaborative projects. The submission deadline is Friday, December 9.
The 90-minute Zoom workshop features a panel of past BETHA recipients and review committee members who will share tips for writing a successful proposal and discuss criteria used in the review process.
Navigating Early Career NIH Funding Opportunities Webinar
Are you ready to transition to a fully independent position as an investigator, faculty member, clinician scientist, or scientific team member? The NIH offers a variety of Fellowships and Career Development Awards that may be a right fit with your research career goals. Our experts will provide an overview of opportunities for early-career scientists, discuss how networking and mentoring can strengthen your chances for success, and guidance on finding the resources to help.
NIH Loan Repayment Programs: Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers Webinar
Did you know that you can get up to $100K of student debt paid with a two-year award from the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)? Join LRP experts as they discuss the opportunities and hear from LRP Ambassadors who will provide their perspectives and experiences working with the NIH LRPs. The next application LRP cycle opens on September 1, so don’t miss your opportunity to learn more about these valuable awards!
NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program Webinar
The National Research Mentoring Network will host a new webinar in their Career Development Webinar Series with the NIH. The webinar will discuss funding opportunities within the NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward Research (HRHR) program, which issues annual funding opportunities for exceptionally creative scientists with highly innovative research ideas. The webinar will share four funding opportunities within the HRHR program: the NIH Director’s Pioneer, New Innovator, Transformative Research, and Early Independence Awards, supporting high-impact research from scientists at all career stages.
Register here.
Funding Mechanisms for Enhancing Diversity in Biomedical Research & Training Webinar
Open to all faculty, staff & trainees
Featured speakers:
“NIH Opportunities and Mechanism to enhance Diversity”
Rob Rivers, PhD
Program Director
Office of Minority Health Research Coordination
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), NIH
“Applying for NIH diversity supplements and research education programs”
Marguerite Matthews, PhD
Program Director
Office of Programs to Enhance Neuroscience Workforce Diversity National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke (NINDS), NIH
“Ins and outs of submitting diversity supplements at OSU”
Amanda Gibbs, CRA
Assistant Director
College of Medicine Grants Management Office
For more information, see NIH Diversity Offices:
NIH Funding Mechanisms and the Peer Review Process Webinar
We have scheduled a webinar with National Institutes of Health (NIH) program officers where participants will get a detailed walkthrough of NIH resources available to them, funding mechanisms and opportunities, and tips for successful reviews.
Register: (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and a link to add the event to your calendar.)
Fundamentals of the NIH Grants Process & Peer Review Overview
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Career Development and Finding the Right Opportunities
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
National Institutes of Health
Best Practices for Competitive NIH Grant Applications
National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institutes of Health
Meeting IES Program Officers: Grant Funding Opportunities at the Institution of Education Sciences Webinar
Register: (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.)
Description: Program Officers from the National Center for Education Research (NCER) and the National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) in the Institution of Education Sciences (IES) will provide a brief overview of upcoming grant funding opportunities and answer questions you may have about the grant programs. More information about the funding opportunities and grants programs can also be found at:
IES Program Officers:
• Corinne Alfeld, NCER – Career and Technical Education; Improving Education Systems; Research Training Programs
• Christina Chhin, NCER – STEM Education; Systematic Replications
• Emily Doolittle, NCER – Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning
• Caroline Ebanks, NCER – Early Learning Programs and Policies
• Meredith Larson, NCER – Postsecondary and Adult Education; Research Training Programs
• Amy Sussman, NCSER – Early Intervention and Early Learning
If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in these events, please contact Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the college will make every effort to meet requests made after this date. A captioned recording of this program will be available within 7-10 business days following the event.
An Overview of NSF Funding Opportunities for Education R&D Webinar
Corby Hovis, PhD, Program Director, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, National Science Foundation
The presentation will survey NSF funding opportunities for projects in STEM education research and development. The main focus will be programs in NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), but some NSF-wide initiatives will also be mentioned. There will be time for Q&A.
Corby Hovis, PhD, Program Director, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, National Science Foundation
The presentation will survey NSF funding opportunities for projects in STEM education research and development. The main focus will be programs in NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), but some NSF-wide initiatives will also be mentioned. There will be time for Q&A.
If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the college will make every effort to meet requests made after this date. A captioned recording of this program will be available within 7-10 business days following the event.
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar