On Monday, March 3, 2025, from 12-1pm, Nadeane Howard, Senior Reseach Development Specialist for Early Career Grants, will host a webinar focused on defense-supported grant funding for early-career faculty. Nadeane will share information about the U.S. Army’s open BAA, as well as quick overviews of the other defense opportunities that are available throughout the year. Please come with questions! We look forward to seeing you all soon!
grant funding
Introduction to Accelerator Awards (Zoom)
Accelerator Award pre-proposal sessions provide applicants with an overview of the funding opportunity and are intended to provide context and guidance on the proposal content. Contact accelerator_awards@osu.edu for more information.
Introduction to Accelerator Awards (Zoom)
Accelerator Award pre-proposal sessions provide applicants with an overview of the funding opportunity and are intended to provide context and guidance on the proposal content. Contact accelerator_awards@osu.edu for more information.
President’s Research Excellence Program Briefing (Virtual)
The President’s Research Excellence (PRE) program provides seed support to catalyze and accelerate multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or convergent research teams pursuing external funding by investing in Ohio State research through two tiers of grants The Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge is accepting Letters of Intent for the fall funding round for both Accelerator (up to $50,000) and Catalyst ($150,000 – $300,000) grants, which are due by October 16. Because the program process and requirements have been updated, ERIK’s Research Development team will hold a virtual briefing on September 27. Learn more about the PRE program and its updates.
Open the Door to a Successful NIH Grant Closeout Process (Webinar)
If you’re responsible for closing out NIH grants at your institution, then don’t miss an upcoming NIH webinar, “NIH Grant Closeout Process: Administrative and Financial Essentials.” During this one-hour live, virtual event, NIH experts will share their expertise and guidance on topics, such as the final progress report, Final Financial Report (FFR), Invention Statement, and more. They will also be addressing questions submitted during the registration process. Register today for this informative overview hosted on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET.
Take a Walk With the NIH Through the NIH Grants Process (Webinar)
New to working with the NIH grants process and trying to get a better understanding of how it all works? If so, get ready to spring into action and register for a webinar designed just for you! The NIH Grants Process: A Brief Walk-Through for Beginners webinar will take place on May 15, 2024 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET. This event will answer many of the basic questions that NIH frequently hears from newcomers to the process, followed by a live Q&A with NIH experts who will be helping to answer additional questions submitted during the registration process and raised during the event. With over an hour dedicated to Q&A, this is a unique opportunity to get your questions answered. This is a simulive event hosted by the NIH Office of Extramural Research and the NIH Center for Scientific Review. Registration is required and space is limited.
Managing Sponsored Programs Awards (Zoom)
Learn effective project management by understanding the electronic tools available and regular monitoring activities.
If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Karla Gengler-Nowak or 614-292-8077. Requests made 15 business days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.
SAVE THE DATE: FALL 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference
Save the Date! Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Fall 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of December 4 – 7, 2023.
Get Notified when Registration is Open: https://nsfpolicyoutreach.com/get-notified/
Capacity Building, Dissemination, and Stakeholder Convening Support Virtual Information Session
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) plans to award up to $25 million in fiscal year 2024 as part of the Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award Program. This program supports projects that encourage active, meaningful involvement of patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other healthcare stakeholders as integral members of the patient-centered outcomes research/comparative clinical effectiveness research (PCOR/CER) enterprise. Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for the next cycle are due 9/28/2023. Please see attached award overview and proposal requirements.
Interested and eligible researchers are encouraged to attend a virtual information session Tuesday, August 15, 2023, from 2-3pm hosted by the Office of Foundation Relations, which will include a 30-minute information session and 30-minute Q&A. No advance registration is required.
Facilitated by:
Briana Yauk, Director of Foundation Relations
Anne Trinh, MPH, Director of Programs and Strategic Initiatives Center for HOPES (College of Public Health)
We will cover application requirements for the Capacity Building, Dissemination, and Stakeholder Convening Support engagement awards, including eligibility, application components, and the review process. We will also cover general aspects of previously funded projects and provide guidance on what a well-aligned and compelling proposal should contain.
General questions will be answered during the information session Q&A. Please direct project-specific questions to Briana Yauk, Director of Foundation Relations, at yauk.2@osu.edu. Interested applicants will have an opportunity to receive feedback on concepts prior to submission. Details to be shared post-info session.
Please join using the link provided below:
Meeting ID: 993 0236 8014
Password: 548533
*The virtual information session and the Q&A will be recorded, so if unable to attend, please contact Briana Yauk to request a link to access the recording.
Key Definitions: CER & PCOR
- CER is comparative clinical effectiveness research. It is research that compares the outcomes, including possible benefits and harms, of two or more available healthcare options to determine what works best for which patients under what circumstances. Outcomes are the measurable results, positive or negative, of a healthcare option.
- PCOR is patient-centered outcomes research. It is a type of CER. PCOR is CER that compares outcomes that matter most to stakeholders, such as patients and those who care for them, healthcare providers and healthcare advocates. Patient-centered outcomes research requires the engagement of stakeholders as active partners in research. By sharing their lived experience and expertise, stakeholders influence research to be more patient-centered, relevant and useful.
Registration Opens for the Spring 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference
Save the Date! Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Spring 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of June 5 – 8, 2023.
Registration will be free of charge and opens on Wednesday, May 10 at 12 pm EST.
In the meantime, please feel free to check nsfpolicyoutreach.com for the most up-to-date information and view recordings of sessions from previous conferences. You may also view the Fall 2022 Virtual Grants Conference recordings on our YouTube page.
For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on our website and our YouTube page.
If you have any logistical questions about this virtual conference, please contact us at: grants_conference@nsf.gov