What are the basic HHS and NIH policies that apply to research involving human subjects, including clinical trials? How do you prepare a research proposal for review that addresses the regulatory requirements? What are some strategies for developing realistic and scientifically acceptable inclusion plans? Answers to these questions are just a few of the valuable take-aways you’ll gain from this event. HHS and NIH experts will share policies, resources, guidance, and case studies in this informative and engaging event.
professional development
Q&A on the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (Virtual Event)
Do you have questions about the new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy? This virtual office-hours style event features representatives from six campus offices with expertise in different areas impacted by the DMS policy.
Experts from each area will host a breakout room and participants are encouraged to drop in each room with their questions and actively participate in the discussions. Questions may also be submitted in advance through the registration form or by contacting datamanagement@osu.edu.
Areas represented include:
- NIH DMS Policy 101
- What to share and where to share it
- How to write a DMS plan with DMPTool
- Proposal preparation and budgeting for allowable data costs
- Special topics
- Sharing human research participant data
- Secure data storage
- Intellectual property and commercialization
This event is ideal for researchers and teams who currently receive NIH funding or may apply in the future, as well as staff who support NIH-funded researchers. Registration is required, but participants are welcome to come and go as their time allows during the 90-minute session.
Can’t make the Q&A event? Send your questions to datamanagement@osu.edu and check out the Ohio State NIH DMS Policy Guide for the latest updates. This event will not be recorded.
About the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy
The policy will apply to all new funding applications on or after January 25, 2023 regardless of funding amount. Applicants must submit a DMS plan describing how they will make their data publicly available prior to the conclusion of the award period. Compliance with the submitted and accepted plan will be assessed and non-compliance can impact future funding.
This event is co-facilitated by:
University Libraries Research Commons
Health Sciences Library
Office of Innovation and Economic Development
Office of Responsible Research Practices
Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Technology and Digital Innovation
BTAA GIS Conference (Virtual Event)
Join us for the third annual Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) GIS Conference, which will take place virtually on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. This event provides an opportunity for geospatial information users and educators across Big Ten institutions to present their work, exchange information, and develop potential collaborations. It is free and open to all participants, including those outside of the BTAA network.
This year’s BTAA GIS Conference will include:
- A keynote presentation featuring Tanya Ruka and Rudo Kemper from Native Land Digital
- Presentations and lightning talks on a wide variety of geospatial topics
- Two professional development panel discussions
- A virtual map gallery
For more information, visit the main website for the BTAA GIS Conference 2022.
This virtual program is one component of Ohio State’s GIS Day celebration in 2022. If you have questions about the BTAA GIS Conference or GIS Day 2022, please email Joshua Sadvari (Geospatial Information Librarian) at sadvari.1@osu.edu.
GIS Day 2022
GIS Day is an annual event for students, staff, faculty, and the broader community to learn more about geographic information systems (GIS) and to celebrate the power of geospatial data, methods, and technologies for answering research questions and solving real-world problems.
Join us on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 for an in-person GIS Day program that will include:
- 11am – 12pm: A career panel featuring GIS professionals in academic, federal and local government, and private sector roles
- 12 – 1pm: An overview of the Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program’s (OGRIP) resources and GIS support activities, presented by Executive Director Donovan Powers
- 1 – 2pm: A hands-on campus data collection activity using ArcGIS Field Maps, following a brief training session and demonstration (requires use of an Android or iOS mobile device)
- 2 – 3pm: A drone demonstration by Ohio State’s Facilities Information Technology Services enterprise GIS team (meet outside near the east entrance of the 18th Avenue Library)
A light lunch will be served beginning at 12pm.
GIS Day 2022 is a free program and was co-organized by partners representing the CFAES Knowledge Exchange, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, Department of Geography, Facilities Information Technology Services, and University Libraries. If you have questions about GIS Day, please email Joshua Sadvari (Geospatial Information Librarian) at sadvari.1@osu.edu.
Outside Activities and Conflicts (Online)
This two-hour case study based workshop covers the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This workshop is led by ethics experts from Academic Affairs, Medical Center Compliance, and University Compliance and Integrity. CarmenZoom links will be provided to attendees the day before each session.
Please log into BuckeyeLearn and search for Outside Activities and Conflicts to find this event.
Participants will be able to:
– Identify key requirements of the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy
– Explain what constitutes a conflict of interest
– Identify who can answer questions about conflicts
To ask questions about accessibility or request accommodations, please contact Jessica Tobias at 614-292-5328 or tobias.80@osu.edu. At least two weeks’ advance notice will help us to provide seamless access.
Registration Deadline: Tue, Dec 3, 2022, 1:00 PM
Outside Activities and Conflicts (Online)
This two-hour case study based workshop covers the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy, which incorporates the Ohio Ethics Law and federal research regulations regarding conflicts of interest. This workshop is led by ethics experts from Academic Affairs, Medical Center Compliance, and University Compliance and Integrity. CarmenZoom links will be provided to attendees the day before each session.
Please log into BuckeyeLearn and search for Outside Activities and Conflicts to find this event.
Participants will be able to:
– Identify key requirements of the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy
– Explain what constitutes a conflict of interest
– Identify who can answer questions about conflicts
To ask questions about accessibility or request accommodations, please contact Jessica Tobias at 614-292-5328 or tobias.80@osu.edu. At least two weeks’ advance notice will help us to provide seamless access.
Registration Deadline: Tue, Nov 15, 2022, 1:00 PM
QMC Fall 2022 Speaker Series: November 4 with Arati Maleku (Zoom)
On Friday, November 4 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., Arati Maleku, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the College of Social Work at the Ohio State University, will be participate in an interview session titled, “The Science of Mixed Methodology: Navigating Complex Issues of our Time.”
The event will be held over Zoom, and attendees can register ahead of time to attend. Attendees in need of accommodations can email the Associate Director, Brian Timm (timm.21) two weeks prior to the event to ensure appropriate accommodations can be put in place.
QMC Spring 2022 Speaker Series: October 21 with Jacob Coutts (Zoom)
The Quantitative Methodology Center (QMC) is excited to kick off our Fall 2022 Speaker Series, which will highlight our local talent from emerging scholars to well established faculty. On October 21 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Jacob Coutts, PhD student in the Department of Psychology at the Ohio State University, will give a talk titled, “(Dis)entangling moderation and mediation: How and when to study ‘when’ and ‘how.’”
The event will be held over Zoom, and attendees can register ahead of time to attend.
2022 Interdisciplinary Research Fall Forum
Exploring the space where disciplines and ideas intersect and transform.
More details to come
Career Insights Seminar Series: Journey from Student to Researcher (Virtual Event)
Lisa Ng, Ph.D. from the National Institute of Science and Technology, will speak about her career development and her current career activities as a mechanical engineer. There will be a Q & A afterward. This event is for Grad Students and Postdocs, particularly women in STEM field training programs.