This workshop focuses on the theory of coding qualitative data using qualitative statistical packages like NVivo and MAXQDA. The workshop will start by briefly introducing what qualitative research method entails. It will also outline what qualitative coding is and introduce methods of qualitative data analysis, including when such methods can be adapted and how they can be used effectively. Next, the workshop will introduce how to use software packages like NVivo and MAXQDA to analyze texts and other forms of qualitative data.
qualitative research methodology
Qualitative Research Design (Workshop)
Join us in the Research Commons as we welcome Visiting Professor and Digital Services Librarian Dr. Taiwo Lasisi. In this workshop, Dr. Lasisi will discuss the fundamentals of Qualitative Research Design and give an introduction on how to conduct a qualitative research data collection and analysis.
World-Building, Method-Bending: Activist Approaches to Qualitative Research in This Moment and Beyond (Zoom)
In a moment of mounting political unrest, attacks on academic freedom, and layered educational crises, the QualLab invites scholars and community members to join us on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, for a panel dialogue on what it might mean to embody activist, justice-centered approaches to qualitative inquiry.
Join the QualLab as we engage four top qualitative methodologists – Dr. Wilson Okello, Dr. Michiko Hikida, Dr. Leigh Patel, and Dr. Pauline Lipman – in a dynamic conversation about what it means to engage critically, employ justice-centered methodologies, and center community-engaged scholarship in our current sociopolitical climate.
Registration is open and free to all.
Click here to register.
QualLab Lunchtime Lecture Series: Learning to Escape: Noticing Knowing through (Mis)Reading and Recalibrating the Body in Play (Zoom)
Dr. Jon Wargo
Associate Professor, University of Michigan
Games are not only forms of documentation, communication, and expression but critical sites and technologies for learning. Indeed, as recent research illustrates, games not only further the development of domain-specific knowledge but also provide the designed constraints – analog or digital – rendered necessary to learn specific practices and embody ways of being. Moving beyond the content/context divide, this presentation brings together methodological insights from ethnomethodology and conversation analysis with theoretical concepts and tools from distributed cognition and game studies to reimagine what learning looks like in the peripheries of play. More specifically, it examines how an immersive escape room’s designed landscape and environment served as mediational resources that fostered and advanced consequential learning for players to “claim” and “exhibit” escape.
QualLab Lunch with Dr. Leslie Morrow
The QualLab is excited to welcome Dr. Leslie Morrow, 2022 Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellow at OSU’s College of Education and Human Ecology for our next QualLab Lunch! Join us on Thursday, March 21 2024, noon – 1 P.M, for Dr. Morrow’s lecture on “Navigating the Paradox: Black Queer Revolutionary Selfhood and the Limits of ‘Diversity.'”
In this talk, Dr. Morrow discusses the limitation and impacts of mainstream diversity efforts through a technique called Black Queer Revolutionary Selfhood. This talk invites participants to consider the central question: What might it mean to center Blackness, queerness, and joy within higher education research?
By the Numbers Discussion: School Pandemic Preparedness (Zoom)
How are US schools prepared for the next pandemic? What measures have been taken by researchers and administrators? Are we ready for another pandemic?
Come learn about this and much more on Friday, January 19. We will host Josue (Josh) De La Rosa, Director of Annual Reports and Information at the National Center on Education Statistics (NCES) for an invited presentation and extended discussion on school pandemic preparedness.
By the Numbers discussion series tackles various topics of interest to researchers, students, faculty, administrators, and more.
Register for this event by clicking the link here, and visit our By the Numbers Discussion Series page for more information about our upcoming events.
Fall 2023 By the Numbers Discussion Series: School Segregation By the Numbers (Zoom)
Friday, October 6, 2023, 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Jacqueline Nowicki, Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Title: School Segregation By the Numbers
Please join Ms. Jacqueline Nowicki, the Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security at the Government Accountability Office (GAO), for a discussion on recent reports regarding school segregation among US K-12 schools.
Please read the following report written by Dr. Nowicki before attending the event:
Jacqueline Nowicki
Ms. Nowicki is a Director in the Education, Workforce, and Income Security Team at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. She is responsible for leading GAO’s work on a wide range of pre K-12 issues, including special education, school facilities, K12 COVID spending, equitable access, school climate and safety, and Head Start. A nationally recognized expert in K-12 education, she regularly testifies before Congress and has made dozens of recommendations to Congress and federal agencies to improve federal oversight and educational outcomes for kids. She also has 25+ years of experience with federal budgeting and grants management issues. Additionally, she teaches a wide range of leadership and writing courses in GAO’s Learning Center, and is a certified diversity and inclusion facilitator.
Ms. Nowicki joined GAO in 1998 and has received numerous awards during her GAO career, including GAO’s Client Services award for exemplary commitment to providing expert and timely service to Congressional clients; two Chief Learning Officers Awards for exceptional commitment to and outstanding performance in redesigning and teaching writing and leadership courses; and both Distinguished and Meritorious Service awards for her dedication to staff development and motivating staff to achieve high levels of performance.
Prior to joining GAO, Ms. Nowicki worked in private sector consulting and led projects on education, job training and social policy issues for state and local government clients, and served as a Senior Fiscal Analyst at the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. She earned a Master’s degree in public policy from the University of Maryland’s School of Public Affairs and a Bachelor’s degree in finance from Lehigh University. She and her family live in New England.
Event Registration
Registration for this event is now open! Click this link to register for the event!
QualLab Lunch: The Question of Blackness in Qualitative Inquiry (Zoom)
QualLab Lunches are back for Fall 2023! Join us for our first QualLab Lunch of the 2023-2024 academic year – Dr. Wilson Kwamogi Okello, Assistant Professor at Penn State University will discuss “The Question of Blackness in Qualitative Inquiry.” This event will be held on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 from 12 PM to 1 PM.
In this talk, Dr. Okello discusses how theorizing Blacknessprovides the conditions of possibility for upsettingepistemic, ontological, and axiological foundations thatstructure Western knowledge production and Blackexistence. This talk invites participants to consider thecentral question:
what does it mean to center Blacknessin educational research?
If interested in attending, you may register here:
More information about QualLab Lunches can be found on our website.
2023 Advanced Methods Institute (Virtual)
Registration now open: June 7-9 virtual Advanced Methods Institute
The Advanced Methods Institute, sponsored by the College of Education and Human Ecology, features internationally recognized and award-winning qualitative scholars. They will share innovations in qualitative inquiry and strategies to advance innovation, equity, diversity and justice in qualitative research. Beginning on June 7, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. EST, the institute will kick off with the Patti Lather Distinguished Keynote featuring renowned education scholar Gloria Ladson-Billings. This keynote will be delivered in-person in Columbus, OH, on a limited-space basis, and livestreamed to AMI registrants. On June 8 and 9, AMI registrants can attend two full days of virtual conference sessions.
QualLab Lunch: Indigenous Methodologies in Qualitative Research (Virtual)
Please join us for QualLab’s virtual lunch talk with Dr. Corey Still. The event will be held on Thursday, December 8 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. You may sign up here:
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