Hadley Bachman: SPDG – Family Educator Collaboration Through a Multi-Tiered Approach – Year 3 (FY25) $50,000

College of Education and Human Ecology
The Ohio State University’s Early Head Start Partnership Program provides high-quality early childhood education for children birth through age four who live in households experiencing poverty. We also provide comprehensive support to families in a two-generational approach that supports families in socio-economic mobility. The funds from this expansion will enable 189 Head Start slots to be added to the program, which currently serves 263 Columbus children and families enrolled in Early Head Start, a more than 70% increase in children served.
More information: https://sfc.osu.edu/2024/08/27/new-grant-expands-access-to-high-quality-early-education-for-more-central-ohio-families/
Reading difficulties continue to be a pervasive public health issue. Many children, particularly those from marginalized populations, experience reading difficulties due to underdeveloped phonological awareness – and, specifically, phonemic awareness. Our long-term goal is to optimize phonological awareness intervention as a means of preventing reading difficulties and disparities. Our short-term goal is to complete two randomized controlled trials that inform such optimization through addressing current scientific controversies around the content, timing, and goals of phonological awareness intervention.
Office of Research, Innovation and Collaboration (ORIC)
153 Arps Hall
1945 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43210
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: (614) 247-2412
Email: EHE-office_of_research@osu.edu