Through this new initiative, the Directorate for STEM Education, formerly the Directorate of Education and Human Resources, and the newly established Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) seek to support experiential learning opportunities for individuals from diverse professional and educational backgrounds that will increase access to, and interest in, career pathways in emerging technology fields (e.g., advanced manufacturing, advanced wireless, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, quantum information science, semiconductors, and microelectronics). Join the Research Development Office for an overview of this opportunity and a chance to foster potential collaborations with interested faculty and staff from across the university.
Spring 2023 By the Numbers: Race and College Applications Webinar
Our first By the Numbers event, titled “By the Numbers: Race and College Applications,” will feature Dr. Brian Heseung Kim, Senior Data Scientist at the Common Application, Inc., who will provide a brief presentation on his team’s recent report regarding college application race and ethnicity. We ask that participants read or familiarize themselves with the report prior to attending the event, and come prepared with questions for Dr. Kim. The discussion is not about just sharing an opinion, but voicing an opinion based on facts, i.e., by the numbers.
Role of Industry Experts Workshop
Accelerator Awards pre-proposal workshop to introduce the role of industry experts for Accelerator Awards, who they are, why are they required and suggestions for identifying and engaging them.
The Accelerator Awards program provides funding to faculty and eligible staff for technology development to accelerate the advancement of cutting-edge Ohio State innovations from the university into the marketplace, bridging the gap between academic research and market ready technologies.
Upcoming Accelerator Award pre-proposal workshops provide background information on the program and application process with a focus on the pre-proposal submission. Workshop are delivered by Caroline Crisafulli, director of entrepreneurial education in the Keenan Center. Contact for more information on the Accelerator Awards or questions.
Introduction to Data Visualization (Virtual Event)
Join our Data Visualization Specialist, Brian Wisniewski, for a virtual workshop on the basics of Data Visualization. Hosted by the Research Commons, this workshop will break down what data visualization is and why it is important. Examples, tips, tools (Overviewing R, Tableau, Excel), and resources will be shared, with the aim of enabling participants to realize data visualization in their own lives. Join us to broaden your outlook on what data viz is and what it can do for you!
Publishing: Understanding and Negotiating the Terms of Your Agreement (Virtual Workshop)
Join the University Libraries’ Copyright Services for a workshop on strategies and considerations for negotiating terms of your publishing agreement. We will discuss common phrases found in scholarly journal publishing agreements, the implications of those terms for future scholarship and research, and tactics for retaining the rights that are important to you. In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to review a sample agreement to identify potential areas for negotiation.
HHMI Investigator Program Information Session (Virtual)
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is requesting applications from basic researchers and physician scientists for its 2024 Investigator Program. Interested and eligible researchers are encouraged to attend a virtual information session hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Foundation Relations. This info session will cover application requirements for the HHMI Investigator Program competition, including eligibility, application components, and the review process. It will also cover general aspects of previously funded projects and provide guidance on what a well-aligned and compelling proposal should contain. Lastly, general questions will be answered during the Q&A. Please direct project-specific questions to Catherine Hunt, Director of Foundation Relations, at
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 947 1814 1571
Password: 108854
Paying Study Participants: Ethical and Practical Considerations Webinar
Do you compensate participants who take part in your research? The Office of Responsible Research Practices and the College of Optometry are offering an updated workshop on participant recruitment and compensation considerations in both medical and non-medical research.
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Explain regulatory guidance and university policy regarding participant payments
- Select the best compensation option(s)
- List administrative requirements to pay participants and monitor compensation
- Identify available resources for managing research compensation
The session will be held on Thursday, December 15th, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. via CarmenZoom.
For more information, contact Sandra Meadows at 614-688-8641 or
Giving Authors Their Due: The Ethics of Co-Authorship and Authorship Order Virtual Panel
The Center for Ethics and Human Values proudly presents a CARE Panel:
Giving Authors Their Due:
The Ethics of Co-Authorship and Authorship Order
Virtual Panel
Monday December 5, 12-1pm
Ethical questions related to authorship do not only concern who should get authorship (and who shouldn’t), but also how much credit and what order of attribution should people get when they collaborate. This panel will explore how collaborative teams can navigate the challenges related to giving members their due credit. We will particularly focus on the ethical challenges and opportunities that arise in interdisciplinary research, research between collaborators from high and low or middle income countries, and researchers involving researchers
Elise Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor, Preventative Medicine and Community Health UTMB Health
Johanna Meetz, MA
Publishing and Repository Services Librarian, University Libraries, OSU
Human Subjects Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, & Inclusion (Virtual)
What are the basic HHS and NIH policies that apply to research involving human subjects, including clinical trials? How do you prepare a research proposal for review that addresses the regulatory requirements? What are some strategies for developing realistic and scientifically acceptable inclusion plans? Answers to these questions are just a few of the valuable take-aways you’ll gain from this event. HHS and NIH experts will share policies, resources, guidance, and case studies in this informative and engaging event.
Community & Collaboration Workshop: Case Studies in Community-Engaged Research
This workshop will feature short presentations and a panel discussion on the rewards and challenges of community-engaged research.
Panelists include:
- Dr. Jilll Clark, John Glenn College of Public Affairs
- Dr. Jennifer Garner, School of Health and Rehabilitation Science and John Glenn College of Public Affairs
- Dr. Townsand Price-Spratlen, Department of Sociology
Register for the workshop (for either in-person or zoom attendance) to let us know you’re coming and submit questions in advance.